Who am I?
Hello Fancy Friends,
Welcome to my blog, where I share my nuggets of wisdom and experience in the music industry, and lessons learned from singing and teaching voice. I do so in hopes that they will benefit or at least amuse you, and hopefully save you time, money, and enrich your lives. First however, here are the first three acts of my story.
First Act
It all starts in a magical place called Zurich, Switzerland. I have lived in the United States for a decade, but Zurich is and forever will be my home. My family still lives there. I started playing piano at an early age. I was convinced I wanted to be a concert pianist. I was also in dance an theater, and absolutely loved the stage. One night, I was around 12 years of age, my dad took me to see my very first opera. I knew that this is what I wanted to do forever, dress up in fancy costumes, play tragic characters, and sing glorious music!
Second Act
The second act will see me in Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands, USA, involves, marriage, kids, performances and the chaos of living life. This is what most of the rest of my blog posts will be about. Some things went exactly according to plan. Some did not.
Third Act
I'm currently in the third act, passing along lessons learned in ACT 2. The main thing I have learned is that if music is in your heart, follow that desire. It may not take you where you think it will, but it will enrich your journey. You, dear fancy friend, are the writer of your story. I'm looking forward to sharing in it.